Sunday, February 25, 2007

Cooking with, "Dear Immaculately Groomed Italian Guy."

I fired up the web-cam last night here at my loft in Greenpoint, Brooklyn and did a cooking show. I called my friend Susan for some pointers, drank a bit of red wine, listened to some Frank S., and chopped up some garlic, onions, basil and mushrooms for the sauce. This will be the slowest, (nevertheless interesting!) cooking show on the web. This is my answer to all those RAPID FIRE cooking shows out there that cook gourmet meals in 15 seconds! NOT REALITY!! So sit back, enjoy and check in later today as I make a nice marinara sauce and chicken parm! for TONIGHT'S GUEST, COMEDIAN, KODI ME'CHELE ON, "DEAR IMMACULATELY GROOMED ITALIAN GUY!" LIVE!! TONIGHT 8PM EST - 5PM PST. SEE THE SHOW LIVE!! @ WWW.STUPIDSHITE.COM!!

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